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The Work Song Nanocluster

Season 2 / Episode 18



Why do something for fun, when you can take advantage of modern marketing techniques, optimise your manufacturing process, and make it a viable business? Why indeed…A question Penny must be pondering as she ropes Sheldon Assembly-Line Cooper into her faintly half-arsed hair accessory project, “Penny Blossoms”, a Sheldon-coined term for a rhinestone-ridden affair involving hot glue, plastic flowers, and a starry-eyed dream.


Things take a turn for the synchronised bizarre, when Sheldon and Penny launch their Sea Shanty powered manifestation of flower barrettes. The lads are powerless to help, and Penny seems mightily disinclined to object, as Sheldon’s factory floor tyranny takes over the enterprise. Bonding and nautical musicality are the order of the day, as the two-man-force power through their charmingly ephemeral taskload.


Production is shifted to 4A and when Leonard's "looks like the MySpace page of a 13 year old girl" web site actually attracts orders, the gang begins excitedly contemplating market expansion via bluetooth-enhanced barrettes for men. Enthusiasm wanes though when a 1000 item order, coupled with Leonard's shortsighted option for next-day shipping, provokes disgruntled sniping amongst the weary group for whom work songs have long since lost their effectiveness. Even the previously gung ho Sheldon, needing sleep, threatens to abandon the operation until Leonard issues a saccharine appeal to his sarcasm-deaf roommate's vanity.


Penny then convinces the normally drug-averse Sheldon to use a stimulant - coffee - which has the unfortunate side effect of inducing a frenzied ramble about Planck's Constant, Red Queens and Sheldon Primes etc., but which, presumably, is the key to completing the entire order in time. Ultimately though the viability of the Penny Blossoms enterprise is undermined by yet another 1000 item expedited order, thus securing Penny's tenure at The Cheesecake Factory a bit longer.



Hybrid by Major Gripe and Check E. Light

Penny Blossoms from BrightCopperPenny here

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